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SALE / discontinued kits




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DD504-A  5 Large natural cork pieces 

Weight approx. 500 grams

Great for creating rock faces 




DioDump DD501

Brick wall sheet 1:35 scale

This textured paper sheet can be a solution for the 'lazy' modeller. The 1:35 scale brick pattern is printed on textured paper. 

Size approx.: 20cm x 14cm




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Blue Styrofoam diorama bases

They say a good start is half the job done.

Any diorama basically starts with the base.

Blue styrofoam is sturdy, lightweight and workable.

Clean cut, perfect for a diorama base.


Approximate (!) sizes available:


2cm THICK: 29,5cm x 20cm (rough surface):



3cm THICK: 28,5cm x 19cm (smooth surface):



5cm THICK:28,5cm x 19,5cm (smooth surface):




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